One Sharp Dame

This may be the start of a beautiful friendship.


The response to an essay I wrote on Saturday,I’m Fine, has been surprising. It has gotten more views than anything I’ve written in the past year. The reactions have been surprisingly positive. I’ve either hit on something very genuine or I’ve scared everyone into thinking I’m actually going to burn everything down and they are trying to calm me down. Either way, this has been an interesting exercise.

I’m not really able to think about it all right now because tomorrow, I have to have another surgery, the fifth surgical procedure on my chesticular area in the last year. Surgery and recovery and everything that has to be done to make all of that happen is occupying most of my available headspace. What little headspace remains is taken up with counting my hotflashes (17, so far) today and waiting for my body to declare an equilibrium so I can get dressed and go out of the house to do my pre-surgery errands. It unnerves the general population when I start ripping off layers of clothing, muttering about the damn heatflashes and fuck Tamoxifen, etc.

But when surgery is done and I’ve recovered a bit, I’m going to let your words to me roll around a bit, ponder it all and see what happens.

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  1. Love you! Take care of you.

  2. Yay for positive reactions! Keep writing, Kelly.

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