Facebook has this feature called ‘On This Day’. It gets mixed reviews from my friends. It can be painful. Jobs that didn’t work out. Spouses that left. Expectations not met. Hopes dashed. I get it. It’s a mixed bag for a lot of people. On the other hand, I love it. I love the reminders about bad chemotherapy days. I love knowing the exact day I was declared NED for the first time. I really love going through all of the comments on my posts, all the people that took the time to tell me I mattered or that they cared and all the people that celebrated with me.

Today according to Facebook, the thing that was making me happiest five years ago, before cancer, was finding classic Warner Bros. cartoons on the Cartoon Network. Four years ago, it was being able to shower on my own, post bi-lateral mastectomy. Three years ago, it was being able to raise my arm above my shoulder, post- more surgery and preparing for heart surgery. Two years ago, it was having some good down time before my next surgery. Last March, cheese was making me happy.

Today, I spent the day with my daughter. She helped me with a project. We bullshitted for awhile. I ran errands. This year, the things that I want to complain about are the too warm weather, my sinuses, politics, and my bracket.

It’s a good life, y’all. Go out and get you some of it.

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